

Tuesday 21 May 2013

New Jailbreak Posts Coming Soon!

I recently just downgraded from IOS 6.1.3 to IOS 4.1 and have decided to jailbreak my phone and share some of the cool things that you can do..
If you are new to jailbreaking i highly recommend doing it as it is fairly safe and pretty awesome below is what my phone currently looks like:

However DONT UPGRADE TO IOS 6.1.3 because it is currently not jail-breakable and most likely wont ever be. The next Jailbreak released will most likely be for IOS 7. Some of the famous Jailbreak
developers have allready said they will not bother to make the IOS 6.1.3 jailbreak as all the update did was patch the way they Jailbroke all the devices on IOS 6.1.2.
Apple have also made it very hard for users to downgrade there IDevices to a lower firmware as they now don't sign any firmwares below there current firmware however there is one way you can downgrade and trick apple into signing a lower firmware but to do this you need to have saved your SHSH blobs on your device previously. If you have Jailbroken before you will most likly have those blobs saved. To find out if you do have any SHSH blobs saved download Tiny Umbrella:
Download TinyUmbrella 6.13.00 [Windows / Mac]
Plug your device in and click on advanced and tick 'Request SHSH From Cydia. Then click Save SHSH. Once its finished go to General and if you have any previously saved SHSH it will appear. If none appears un-check 'Request SHSH From Cydia' and try again. If still nothing appears I'm afraid you cant Downgrade and will have to wait.. However if you did find some SHSH blobs form a lower firmware you can downgrade! I might write a post on how to but in the mean time just do a quick google search..


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