

Tuesday 11 June 2013

How to install rEFIt and Change Its Icons... + rEFInd?!

Download rEFIt from here. Then double click on the downloaded .dmg to mount it and run the installer pkg following the steps. Once its done you should have a folder named efi in your Macintosh HD and a file called rEFItBlesser in MacintoshHD/Library/StartupItems. Restart your computer (dont worry if refit dosent show up just restart again until it does) if you encounter an error click here.

How to Change the Icons

Go to the efi folder in your Macintosh HD and click on the Icons folder. Once inside you should see all the icons it uses when when it starts up. Then you can download any Windows, Mac or Linux icon rename them to the name of the icon your trying to replace (back up you original icons folder inside efi in case something goes wrong) and drag + replace your new icon into the folder.

What Is rEFInd?

rEFInd is a fan made 'update' of rEFIt it has numerous bug fixes and support for more operating systems i hight recommend downloading it.

How do I Install rEFInd?

Once you have installed rEFIt you can then install rEFIND over the top! So Google search rEFInd and download it form Source Forge. Then run the installer! Its Easy now when you reboot rEFInd will appear.


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