

Tuesday 11 June 2013

IOS 7 Is Not Compatible With Iphone 3Gs... Therefore your Iphone 3Gs may be Un-Jailbreakable...

Now when i say Un-Jailbreakable i mean you wont be able to preform an unteatherd jailbreak. If you dont no what that is click here but you can preform a theathered Jailbreak. The reason for this is because popular iPhone hackers dont want to spend lots of time on developing this jailbreak just for apple to patch it in the next update witch is IOS 7... Also you cant downgrade from IOS 6.1.3 without SHSH blobs witch you wont have unless you have jailbroken before. This means if you are on an Iphone 3Gs on IOS 6.1.3 you may never be able to Jailbreak your phone without having to plug your iphone into your computer every time you boot your phone (theathered). However they may release one once more people stuck in this position complain but in the mean time no untheathered jailbreak is available. For more info click here.


  1. you spelt which wrong in line 4 first letter,
    you spelt it witch...........


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